The Totally Gross History of Ancient Rome

Authors: Jeremy Klar
Topics: World History, European History, Ancient History
Lexile: 1020,
Publisher: Rosen Central
BISAC/Subject: JNF025070, JNF025020
ISBN: 9781499437478,
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 48,
Synopsis: While the ancient Romans continue to be regarded as highly civilized, there are aspects of ancient Roman life, including the foods that they ate (dormice were a delicacy) and their leisure activities (such as the notorious gladiatorial fights to the death), that seem strange and repellent to us today. This high-interest history book makes use of kids' fascination with the disgusting to appeal to young readers who might not be as interested in a more straightforward history resource. In its own unorthodox manner, the volume covers Roman culture, food, hygiene, medicine, religion, and military might, offering readers a comprehensive and sometimes stomach-turning view of ancient Roman life.
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