The Uses of Disorder: Personal Identity and City Life

Authors: Sennett, Richard
Publisher: Verso Books
BISAC/Subject: POL046000, POL002000, ARC010000
ISBN: 9781839764103, Related ISBNs: 1839764082, 1839764104, 9781839764080, 9781839764103
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 224,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Reissue of the classic text on how cities should be planned

When first published in 1970, The Uses of Disorder, was a call to arms against the deadening hand of modernist urban planning upon the thriving chaotic city. Written in the aftermath of the 1968 student uprising in the US and Europe, it demands a reimagination of the city and how class, city life and identity combine. Too often, this leads to divisions, such as the middle class flight to the suburbs, leaving the inner cities in desperate straits. In response, Sennett offers an alternative image of a "dense, disorderly, overwhelming cities" that allow for change and the development of community. Fifty years later this book is as essential as it was when it first came out, and remains an inspiration to architects, planners and urban thinkers everywhere.
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