The Vital Psoas Muscle: Connecting Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being

Authors: Staugaard-Jones, Jo Ann
Publisher: North Atlantic Books
BISAC/Subject: HEA032000, HEA007000, MED005000
ISBN: 9781623171230, Related ISBNs: 1583944583, 1623171237, 9781583944585, 9781623171230
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 128,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Located deep within the anterior hip joint and lower spine, the psoas major (usually just referred to as the psoas) is critical for optimal postural alignment, movement, and overall well being. The psoas is the only muscle in the human organism that connects the upper body to the lower body, and its importance extends to the nerve complex and energy systems.

As modern-day populations grow more sedentary, psoas-related lower back and hip pain, and the ailment of "sitting too much," are on the rise. Even the most active of athletes can suffer from psoas imbalance and pain. The Vital Psoas Muscle demonstrates how to keep the muscle in balance through specific exercises designed to strengthen and utilize this amazing muscle, and discusses its vital role in the emotional and spiritual state of the human being. The interconnection between the psoas and the root chakra is explored, along with yoga poses and postures that stimulate the psoas. Eighty full-color illustrations depict anatomical details, and show the key stretching and strengthening exercises in this practical and comprehensive treatment of the most important skeletal muscle in the human body.
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