The Widows' Adventures: A Novel

Authors: Dickinson, Charles
Publisher: William Morrow
BISAC/Subject: FIC000000, FIC016000, FIC031000
ISBN: 9780062387820, Related ISBNs: 0062387820, 9780062387820, 9780380708475
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 400,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Two widows take to the road across America in this ambitious novel by Charles Dickinson. Helene, who is blind, does the driving. Her sister, Ina, shows the way, and together they break free into the light they feared had gone out of their lives. They cross a landscape whose dangers are secondary to the perilous memories and secrets they share. Their goal-Los Angeles, home to Ina’s children-shimmers like a mirage on the horizon of their plans. Charles Dickinson has invested these two women with a remarkable spirit: In a vast and intricate weaving of truth and memory he has created two unforgettable sisters with the courage, the wit, and the tenacity to embark upon a journey that redefines for themselves and their families the kind of women they will be for the rest of their lives.
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