The Witch of Clatteringshaws

Authors: Aiken, Joan
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
BISAC/Subject: JUV037000, JUV019000, JUV034000
ISBN: 9780804150897, Related ISBNs: 0385732260, 0385902522, 0440420377, 0804150893, 9780385732260
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 144,
Audience: Children/juvenile
Synopsis: Dido Twite’s sharp wits are put to the test in this new adventure in the Wolves Chronicles. After King Richard dies, Dido’s good pal Simon is put on the English throne, but he hates being cooped up in drafty St. James Palace, and his crusty old advisors won’t let him have any fun at all. If only another descendent of the king could be found, Simon would gladly be replaced. Never short a solution, Dido discovers a lead to another member of the royal line. But no one knows exactly who—or where—the child is.

The masterful storyteller Joan Aiken once again invites readers into a spellbinding world of magic, mystery, and mayhem—with a dose of “proper” English hilarity, of course.
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