Touchy Subjects

Authors: Donoghue, Emma
Publisher: Harper Perennial
BISAC/Subject: FIC019000, FIC029000
ISBN: 9781443407472, Related ISBNs: 144340747X, 9781443407465, 9781443407472
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 288,
Audience: General/trade

A man finds God and finally wants to father a child—only his wife is now forty-three years old. A coach’s son discovers his sexuality on the football field. A roommate’s bizarre secret liberates a repressed young woman. From the unforeseen consequences of a polite social lie to the turmoil caused by a single hair on a woman’s chin, Donoghue dramatizes the seemingly small acts upon which our lives often turn. Many of these stories involve animals and what they mean to us, or babies and whether to have them; some replay Biblical plots in modern contexts. With characters old, young, straight, gay and simply confused, Donoghue dazzles with her range and her ability to touch lightly but delve deeply into the human condition.

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