Transforming Our Cities: Facing Up To India's Growing Challenge

Authors: Ahluwalia, Isher Judge
Publisher: HarperCollins
BISAC/Subject: POL002000
ISBN: 9789351362203, Related ISBNs: 9351362205, 9789351362197, 9789351362203
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 312,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Renowned economist Isher Judge Ahluwalia addresses India's urban issuesIndian cities are desperately in need of transformation.Whether it is the lack of public parks, playgrounds for children, easy and affordable means of public transport, footpaths wide enough for pedestrians to walk on, or indeed the basic amenities of water and sanitation, our cities and towns present a sorry sight. Urban planning in our cities is conspicuous by its absence with congested roads, chaotic traffic, crowded commercial areas and cramped housing as their hallmarks.On an average, 25 per cent of India's urban population lives in slums.This book documents how things have gone from bad to worse and how we have not seen the worst yet. On the brighter side, it shows glimpses of some cities solving their problems and bringing about perceptible improvements in the standards of living they offer their residents. They are pulling up their socks and transforming themselves, and therein lies the hope that the rest of us can shape up and learn from their example.
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