Vampire Hunter

Authors: Romkey, Michael
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC027040, FIC015000, FIC009050
ISBN: 9780307775238, Related ISBNs: 0307775232, 0449002004, 9780307775238, 9780449002001
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 320,
Audience: General/trade

Entombed for almost a century in the corpse of the Titanic at the bottom of the icy north Atlantic, the Vampire is finally released by a treasure-hunting expedition--that never makes it back alive.


In a small South Carolina town, a stranger calling himself Charles Gabriel seeks desperate help from a beautiful psychiatrist. But while irresistible sexual passions are stirred by supernatural powers, the town falls victim to a horrifyingly rampant surge of an unearthly evil.


Torn by his loyalty to a centuries-old, unholy brotherhood, the Vampire longs to be freed from his hunger, but he has become the prey of those who seek vengeance against him. Now the only escape is Death. . . .
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