Vibrant Children's Portraits: Painting Beautiful Hair and Skin Tones with Oils

Authors: Lisi, Victoria
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: ART027000, ART010000, ART050040
ISBN: 9781440309922, Related ISBNs: 1440309922, 1600613144, 9781440309922, 9781600613142
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 128,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: A Complete Guide to Capturing the Charm and Glow of Children

Making your subjects look age appropriate is vital to successful children's portraiture. Many artists fall short with features that are too severe, skin that lacks that glow of youth or proportions that are too much like those of adults. In this book, you'll learn how to use tried-and-true oil painting techniques to achieve fresh skin tones, shiny hair, crystal clear eyes...all the qualities that will make your portraits look truly authentic.

   • Complete instructions and color palettes for painting luminous skin tones and hair
   • 11 complete step-by-step demonstrations covering a broad range of complexions, ages, poses and sweet expressions
   • Quick tips and expert tricks for making your subjects look natural–not stiff or posed
Victoria Lisi's instruction is friendly and easy to follow, delivered with the belief that the process of portrait painting should be as enjoyable as the finished product–beautiful, touching portraits of kids having fun, playing in the sun and being themselves.
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