Victory: The Triumphant Gay Revolution

Authors: Hirshman, Linda
Publisher: Harper
BISAC/Subject: HIS054000, HIS036070, POL029000
ISBN: 9780062202253, Related ISBNs: 0062202251, 9780061965517, 9780062202253
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 464,
Audience: General/trade

In the vein of Taylor Branch’s classic Parting of the Waters, Supreme Court lawyer and political pundit Linda Hirshman delivers the enthralling, groundbreaking story of the gay rights movement, revealing how a dedicated and resourceful minority changed America forever.

When the modern struggle for gay rights erupted in the summer of 1969, forty-nine states outlawed sex between people of the same gender. Four decades later, in 2011, New York legalized gay marriage and the armed services stopped enforcing Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Successful social movements are always extraordinary, but these advances seem like something of a miracle.

Linda Hirshman recounts the long roads that led to these victories, detailing the remarkable and revolutionary story of the movement that has blurred rigid gender lines, altered the shared culture, and broadened our definitions of family. Written in vivid prose, at once emotional and erudite, Victory is an utterly vibrant work of reportage and eyewitness accounts and demonstrates how, in a matter of decades, a focused group of activists forged a classic campaign for cultural change that will serve as a model for all future political movements.

“Remarkable for its emotional punch as for its historical insight.”—New York Times Book Review

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