Vintage Hammett

Authors: Hammett, Dashiell
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC022010
ISBN: 9780307429995, Related ISBNs: 0307429997, 1400079624, 9780307429995, 9781400079629
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 208,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Sam Spade, Nick and Nora Charles, The Continental Op. In his novels and stories, Dashiell Hammett created some of the most memorable characters--detectives, dames, and assorted miscreants--in twentieth-century fiction. It is nearly impossible to imagine modern American literature without Hammett.

Vintage Hammett features episodes from Red Harvest, The Maltese Falcon, The Dain Curse, and The Thin Man; and stories featuring the Continental Op, including “The House in Turk Street,” “The Girl with the Silver Eyes," and "Flypaper.” It also includes the story "Nightshade" which has not been available in over fifty years.

Vintage Readers are a perfect introduction to some of the great modern writers, presented in attractive, affordable paperback editions.
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