Vintage Sacks

Authors: Sacks, Oliver
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: BIO017000, LCO010000, PSY020000
ISBN: 9780307430052, Related ISBNs: 0307430057, 1400033977, 9780307430052, 9781400033973
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 208,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Vintage Readers are a perfect introduction to some of the great modern writers presented in attractive, accessible paperback editions.

“It is Dr. Sacks’s gift that he has found a way to enlarge our experience and understanding of what the human is.” —The Wall Street Journal

Dubbed “the poet laureate of medicine” by The New York Times, Oliver Sacks is a practicing neurologist and a mesmerizing storyteller. His empathetic accounts of his patients’s lives—and wrily observed narratives of his own—convey both the extreme borderlands of human experience and the miracles of ordinary seeing, speaking, hearing, thinking, and feeling.

Vintage Sacks includes the introduction and case study “Rose R.” from Awakenings (the book that inspired the Oscar-nominated movie), as well as “A Deaf World” from Seeing Voices; “The Visions of Hildegard” from Migraine; excerpts from “Island Hopping” and “Pingelap” from The Island of the Colorblind; “A Surgeon’s Life” from An Anthropologist on Mars; and two chapters from Sacks’s acclaimed memoir Uncle Tungsten.
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