Waking Up in Winter: In Search of What Really Matters at Midlife

Authors: Richardson, Cheryl
Publisher: HarperOne
BISAC/Subject: SEL016000, SEL032000, FAM054000
ISBN: 9780062681683, Related ISBNs: 0062681680, 9780062681676, 9780062681683
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 240,
Audience: General/trade

Internationally recognized coach and New York Times bestselling author Cheryl Richardson has toured the world empowering others to make lasting change.  But when Richardson’s own life no longer worked as it once had, a persistent, inner voice offered unmistakable guidance: it was time to reevaluate her life to uncover what really mattered.

Waking Up in Winter is the candid and revelatory account of how at midlife, Richardson found renewed contentment and purpose through a heroic, inward journey. The unfolding story, told through intimate journal entries, follows Richardson from the first, gentle nudges of change to a thoughtfully reimagined life – a soulful, spring awakening.

With an experienced coach’s intuition and an artist’s eye, Richardson reexamines everything – her marriage, her work, her friendships, and her priorities – gracefully shedding parts of the self that no longer serve along the way.

In the end, she not only discovers what really matters at midlife, she invites readers to join her in the inquiry process by providing thought-provoking questions designed to usher them through their own season of transformation. 

Offering up Richardson’s most powerful teaching tool yet – her own life – Waking Up in Winter takes readers on a brave, spiritual adventure that shows us all how to live a more authentic and meaningful life.

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