Walking In the Midst of Fire

Authors: Sniegoski, Thomas E.
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC009060, FIC009050, FIC031070
ISBN: 9781101614211, Related ISBNs: 0451465113, 0451465466, 1101614218, 9780451465115, 9780451465467
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 368,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Once he was known as the angel Remiel, but generations ago, Boston PI Remy Chandler chose to renounce Heaven and live on Earth, where he found a secure place among ordinary humans....

Remy Chandler has found a new love—and his best human friend is reluctantly coming to grips with Remy’s “unusual” abilities. He’s finally reached a kind of peace between his true angelic nature and the human persona he created for himself so long ago.

But Heaven and the Legions of the Fallen still stand on the brink of war. When one of Heaven’s greatest generals is murdered, it falls to Remy to discover who—or what—might be responsible, which could trigger a final conflict that would consume the Earth.

The deeper he digs, the further he goes into a dark world of demonic assassins, secret brothels, and things unsettling even to a being who has lived for eternity. But it is not in his nature—angelic or human—to quit, no matter the personal price....
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