Warman's World War II Collectibles: Identification and Price Guide

Authors: Adams-Graf, John
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: HIS027100, ANT038000, ANT024000
ISBN: 9781440240720, Related ISBNs: 1440240701, 1440240728, 9781440240706, 9781440240720
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 304,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Collecting & Preserving WWII History

Since the end of World War II, veterans, collectors, and history buffs have bought, sold, and traded the "spoils of war." Souvenir collecting began as soon as troops set foot on foreign soil. Soldiers looked for wartime trinkets and keepsakes to remind them of their time in the service, validate their presence during the making of history, and generate income when they returned home. Today these items help us understand and define a time when almost the entire world was at war.

Newly expanded and completely updated, Warman's World War II Collectibles, 3rd edition, is a comprehensive full-color resource on World War II militaria. Illustrated with 1,800 all-new color images, the book is loaded with information and current values for uniforms, footwear, headgear, medals, firearms, bayonets, knives, personal items, accoutrements, and groupings--a new category--from the United States, Germany, England, Japan, the former Soviet Union, and other countries from 1939-1945.

   • 1,800 all-new color images and thousands of values
   • History and collector tips
   • Pros and cons of each collecting area
   • Availability and price ratings, as well as reproduction alerts
   • First-person accounts of the war
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