Warrior Princess

Authors: Jones, Frewin
Publisher: HarperCollins
BISAC/Subject: YAF001000, YAF019000, YAF024080
ISBN: 9780061985669, Related ISBNs: 006198566X, 9780061985669
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 368,
Audience: Young adult

You can be a warrior, if you choose to be.

Fifteen-year-old Branwen's life is changed forever when enemy Saxon troops attack her homeland and her brother is killed. Branwen wants to jump into action and avenge her brother's death, but instead she is sent to a neighboring stronghold where she'll be safe from harm. Yet while she is surrounded by exquisite beauty and luxury in her new home—as a princess should be—she feels different from the other girls. Deep down, Branwen has the soul of a warrior.

Then a mystical woman in white foretells a daunting prophecy: Branwen will be the one to save her homeland. Suddenly forced to question everything—and everyone—around her, she realizes that the most difficult part of her journey is still to come. With no time to lose, Branwen must make a choice: continue on the path her parents intended for her . . . or step into the role of a true Warrior Princess.

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