Watch Me Do Yoga

Authors: Clennell, Bobby
Publisher: Shambhala
BISAC/Subject: JNF008000, JNF065000, JNF024040
ISBN: 9781930485709, Related ISBNs: 1930485263, 1930485700, 9781930485266, 9781930485709
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 32,
Audience: Children/juvenile
Synopsis: Watch Me Do Yoga is narrated by a child's voice as she goes through a series of yoga poses. We see her practicing with her dad, her mom, or the family dog—and sometimes alone on her mat. We see her in the garden, on the patio, in her bedroom, even sitting on a gigantic lotus. But no matter what the setting, she relates her yoga to the natural world. She stands like a tree or a mountain and imitates the actions of animals—a fish, a dog, a lion, and a tortoise. She celebrates her connection with the life around her and wants just a bit of attention in return. The upbeat text and appealing illustrations should encourage young children to practice yoga and their parents to practice with them.
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