Watercolor Wisdom

Authors: Taylor, Jo
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: ART025000, ART027000, ART029000
ISBN: 9781440317569, Related ISBNs: 1440317569, 1581802404, 9781440317569, 9781581802405
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 176,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Discover all the lessons and insights that a lifetime of painting provides!

The best way to learn something is with a great teacher. Let them speak, and listen closely. When it comes to painting, you need look no further than Watercolor Wisdom. Inside, Jo Taylor shares all the knowledge and experience she's accumulated over three decades of painting and teaching in watercolor.

Packed with insights, tricks and invaluable tips, Watercolor Wisdom is a virtual master class in watercolor painting. Taylor illustrates every important technique and concept with examples, sketches, diagrams and demonstrations, whether covering the basics, such as brush selection, composition, value and color mixing or more advanced considerations. You'll learn how to find your personal style, express emotion in your work, understand and create abstract art and more.

Let Jo Taylor help you to become watercolor wise today! There's no better way to learn, and no better teacher to guide you.
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