Waterloo (#11)

Authors: Cornwell, Bernard
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC014000, FIC002000, FIC032000
ISBN: 9781101153628, Related ISBNs: 0140084738, 0140294392, 0670808687, 1101153628, 9780140084733
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 384,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: June 1815: The Duke of Wellington, the Prince of Orange, and Napoleon will meet on the battlefield--and decide the fate of Europe

With the emperor Napoleon at its head, an enormous French army is marching toward Brussels. The British and their allies are also converging on Brussels--in preparation for a grand society ball. It is up to Richard Sharpe to convince the Prince of Orange, the inexperienced commander of Wellington's Dutch troops, to act before it is too late. But Sharpe's warning cannot stop the tide of battle, and the British suffer heavy losses on the road to Waterloo.

Wellington has few reserves of men and ammunition; the Prussian army has not arrived; and the French advance wields tremendous firepower and determination. Victory seems impossible.
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