Way More West

Authors: Dorn, Edward
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: POE005010, TRV010000, HIS028000
ISBN: 9781440623561, Related ISBNs: 0143038699, 1440623562, 9780143038696, 9781440623561
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 352,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: An essential anthology of an innovative American poet

Edward Dorn was not only one of America’s finest poets but a rare critical intelligence and commentator. He was a student of Charles Olson, who helped him to see the American West as a site for his quest for self-knowledge; at the core of his work is a deep sense of place and the people who occupy it, underpinned by a wry ironic dissent. It was Dorn’s comic-epic masterpiece, Gunslinger, which began appearing in 1968 and had already become an underground classic by the time it was published in its entirety in 1974, that established his reputation in the wider world. This new volume brings together poems from Dorn’s entire career, including previously uncollected work.

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