Wayfaring: A Gospel Journey into Life

Authors: Silf, Margaret
Publisher: The Crown Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: REL012120, REL062000, REL006050
ISBN: 9780385504638, Related ISBNs: 0385504616, 0385504632, 9780385504614, 9780385504638
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 256,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: This informal, inspiring book teaches readers how to create a personal spiritual retreat through readings, prayer, and their own imagination.

Trained by the Jesuits to accompany and guide others in prayer, Margaret Silf brings her experiences and insights to a guide that will help all spiritual seekers–whether they are steeped in Christian tradition or have no background in prayer, retreat, and meditation–make their own journeys of prayer.

In Wayfaring, Silf takes readers step-by-step through the Gospels, examining and elucidating the teachings they contain. Like a personal "spiritual trainer," she deftly encourages readers to tap into their own hearts and minds and discover how the life of Jesus can help them shape their own paths through life.

Sil's previous books have garnered critical acclaim and have attracted a wide, enthusiastic audience in the United Kingdom. Wayfaring, the first of her books to be published by a mainstream publisher in America, is a valuable contribution to spiritual literature, sure to be embraced by many on this side of the Atlantic.
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