We Are The Weather Makers

Authors: Flannery, Tim
Publisher: HarperCollins
BISAC/Subject: JNF037020
ISBN: 9781443401326, Related ISBNs: 1443401323, 9780002008495, 9781443401326
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 304,
Audience: Children/juvenile

In this adaptation of his massive international bestseller The Weather Makers, now revised for teen readers, Tim Flannery argues passionately and eloquently for the urgent need to address the global crisis that is threatening our survival. With expanded Canadian content and added illustrations, We Are the Weather Makers sets out, with devastating clarity, the science and evidence of global warming, and the perils of complacency.

Unimpeachable in its authority and empowering in its vision of what each of us can do to make a difference, The Weather Makers garnered praise from world leaders such as Tony Blair and John Howard, as well as from such esteemed writers and scientists as David Suzuki, Ronald Wright, John Polyani and Bill Bryson.

Now more readable than ever, and more relevant by the day, this global call to arms will continue to fuel discussion, inspire change and dominate bestseller lists. Recognizing that young people will pay the highest price for climate change, Flannery has written a young adult edition of his essential masterpiece that speaks thoughtfully, but never condescendingly, to the future caretakers of our planet.

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