We Can Be Mended: A Divergent Story

Authors: Roth, Veronica
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
BISAC/Subject: YAF056000, YAF015000, YAF058040
ISBN: 9780062861955, Related ISBNs: 0062861956, 9780062861955
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 22,
Audience: Young adult

Globally bestselling author Veronica Roth returns to the world of Divergent in this revealing short-story epilogue that takes place five years after the stunning events of Allegiant.

As Tobias struggles to understand and move past his fears, the world he once knew has changed beyond recognition. Fringe-dwellers, ex-faction members, Bureau dropouts, and migrants now coexist in the rebuilt streets of Chicago.

It’s a new, better world—one where he isn't sure how to belong. As everyone else seems to move forward, Tobias is still haunted by those who couldn’t. But new connections from old friends help him begin to heal—and mend.

And don't miss The Fates Divide, Veronica Roth's powerful sequel to the bestselling Carve the Mark!

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