Wed and Buried

Authors: Daheim, Mary
Publisher: HarperCollins e-books
BISAC/Subject: FIC044000, FIC022040, FIC022000
ISBN: 9780061755576, Related ISBNs: 0061755575, 9780061755576, 9780380785209
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 304,
Audience: General/trade

Unholy Matrimony

Ask not for whom the wedding bell tolls, it tolls for Judith McMonigle Flynn's son Mike--and the Hillside Manor b&b is packed to the rafters with relatives. However, Mama Judith's unrestrained joy is somewhat dampened when, during the rehearsal dinner downtown, she spies a tuxedo-clad gent tossing a bridal-gowned beauty off the roof of a nearby hotel. Always one to eagerly exclaim "I do!" when offered the opportunity to investigate nefarious deeds, Judith's determination to unveil a killer could put undo stress on her own marital bliss with policeman-hubby Joe. But she remains wedded to her mission--and she's not about to take a honeymoon from amateur sleuthing until she's gotten to the bottom of the homicidal hanky-panky surrounding a match made in hell.

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