What Is Fascism?: from The Anatomy of Fascism

Authors: Paxton, Robert
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: POL010000, POL042030, HIS010020
ISBN: 9780525566663, Related ISBNs: 052556666X, 9780525566663
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 30,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Based on a lifetime’s worth of research, esteemed historian Robert Paxton explores what fascism is and how it has come to have a lasting and continued impact on our history. In the concluding section of his authoritative book, The Anatomy of Fascism, Paxton makes the convincing and radical case that existing definitions of the popular, nationalist, and conservative political view are lacking, and offers up his own brilliant explication—drawn from concrete historical actions—thus transforming our understanding of this dangerous ideology and of why it takes hold when and where it does.

A Vintage Shorts Selection. An ebook short.
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