What Is Marriage For?: The Strange Social History of Our Most Intimate Institution

Authors: Graff, E.J.
Publisher: Beacon Press
BISAC/Subject: FAM006000, SOC012000, SOC026010
ISBN: 9780807086377, Related ISBNs: 0807041149, 0807041351, 0807086371, 9780807041147, 9780807041352
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 328,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: In the wake of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court's historic Goodridge decision, a reissue of the bible of the same-sex marriage movement

Will same-sex couples destroy "traditional" marriage, soon to be followed by the collapse of all civilization? That charge has been leveled throughout history whenever the marriage rules change. But marriage, as E. J. Graff shows in this lively, fascinating tour through the history of marriage in the West, has always been a social battleground, its rules constantly shifting to fit each era and economy. The marriage debates have been especially tumultuous for the past hundred and fifty years-in ways that lead directly to today's debate over whether marriage could mean not just Boy + Girl = Babies, but also Girl + Girl = Love.
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