What is Post-Traumatic Growth?

Authors: Akhtar, Miriam
Publisher: Watkins Media
BISAC/Subject: PSY022040, SEL036000, SEL043000
ISBN: 9781786780065, Related ISBNs: 1780289790, 1786780062, 9781780289793, 9781786780065
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 144,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Trauma occurs when extremely stressful events shatter your emotional and psychological well-being, overwhelming your ability to cope. Research by the charity PTSD UK has found that 1 in 2 people will experience trauma at some point in their life, and 20% of those will develop post-traumatic stress. This fascinating and accessible book explains the many varied forms trauma can take, shows how to recognize signs of post-traumatic stress, and offers resilience-building strategies to go beyond 'coping' with it in order to grow from it instead – proving that what doesn't kill you can indeed make you stronger. After an insightful introduction about why the subject of post-traumatic growth is so worth exploring, each main chapter addresses key questions such as: What is trauma and what is post-traumatic stress? What is meant by the concept of post-traumatic growth and what makes it possible? How do you cope in the midst of trauma? How can you strengthen your resilience to keep going? And, finally, how can you actively facilitate post-traumatic growth and how can it change things for the better? As such, this book brings readers on an exploratory journey through the world of post-traumatic growth, reframing how readers view trauma and showing them how they can emerge from its shadow with a new appreciation for life, greater well-being and a higher level of functioning.
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