What Is Sound Healing?

Authors: Cooper, Lyz
Publisher: Watkins Media
BISAC/Subject: OCC011010, OCC010000, SEL017000
ISBN: 9781780289540, Related ISBNs: 1780289065, 1780289545, 9781780289069, 9781780289540
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 144,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Cast your mind back to the last time a sound affected you. Perhaps birdsong set a positive tone for your day or a favourite song lifted your mood. Sound certainly has the power to send our spirits soaring but how exactly does it do this and can it go beyond this to enhance our wellbeing and even help us heal ourselves? Recentresearch has proven that it absolutely can and that sound healing can therefore help us achieve all kinds of personal transformation,enabling us to lead more authentic, connected and contented lives.

The combination of the Q&A approach, insightful case studies and practical exercises means this little book really takes you on abehind-the-scenes tour of this powerful practice, giving everything you need to begin a life-changing journey full of healing potential.
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