Yellow Flag

Authors: Lipsyte, Robert
Topics: Family & Siblings, Sports
Lexile: 710,
Publisher: HarperCollins
BISAC/Subject: YAF001000, YAF007000, YAF058160
ISBN: 9780061997341, Related ISBNs: 006199734X, 9780060557096, 9780061997341
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 256,
Audience: Young adult

In any race, there are drivers and, at the front of the pack, there are racers. In the final laps, it's the racer who moves his car through the sweet spot, picks off the competition, and drives through a hole to win.

In Kyle's family, his older brother, Kris, has always been the racer, born and bred to it, like his father and grandfather and great-grandfather before him. And that's just fine with Kyle; he's got other things to do. Now Kris is out of commission, injured, and Kyle has no choice but to drive. Does he want to drive just long enough to keep Kris's seat warm, or does he want to race—and win?

On the heels of Raiders Night, Yellow Flag is a pulse-pounding look inside the elite world of NASCAR racing, from award-winning novelist and sportswriter Robert Lipsyte.

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