LightSail's Content Builder module allows teachers, school administrators and district administrators / curriculum leaders to import content from any website or Word document in any language. Next, educators can customize the imported text by adding curriculum aligned questions and thoughts. Educators can either assign the imported text directly to students or to the school library for students to read at their leisure.

Teacher View
Import Content

Teachers can import articles via web links, PDFs, or Google Docs to the LightSail platform to supplement the existing LightSail content and address curriculum text needs.

Teacher View
Create Your Own Assignments

Teachers can create assignments, such as exit tickets, anticipation guides, assessments, or homework assignments, using the Content Builder’s multiple choice, short response, extended response, and true/false assessment tools. They can also upload their own Google Doc assessments with Google Classroom integration.

Teacher View
Embed Your Own Questions

Teacher can customize existing LightSail assessments to meet their needs, in addition to creating their own multiple choice, short response, extended response, poll, and fill in the blank questions, which appear as students read a text.

Teacher View

Teachers can use or edit preset LightSail rubrics, or upload their own rubrics to track student progress over time. In the Results feature, teachers can view results at the class and student-level broken down by rubric area.

Teacher View
Share Content

Teachers can share and collaborate on assignments with their colleagues. Once an assignment is complete, teachers then assign due dates for students, are able to track timely submission of assignments, and e-mail students and parents to provide additional support!

Teacher View
Unit Organization

Teachers can organize their assignments, core texts, and supplemental texts into units, complete with essential questions.


LightSail has added color-coded graphs and visualizations so districts can easily act on data. Districts can break down data by specific criteria and standards to provide targeted supports at the district, school, grade, teacher, class, and student levels.

Teacher View
Grade and Provide Feedback

Teachers can easily grade assignments and provide feedback to students. Students are alerted when a teacher grades an assignment, and a record of the assignment and feedback is stored in the student’s Portfolio.

Teacher View
Monitor Results

Teachers can sort and filter results to gauge students’ literacy growth based on a myriad of custom criteria, broken down by skill levels such as claim, evidence, analysis, etc., or by demographics and teacher criteria, such as IEP students, ELL students, etc. Teachers can use the filter features to create targeted groups to support students struggling or excelling in the same skill areas.

Teacher View
Standards-based Results

Teachers can use LightSail’s preset Common Core or Reading Tag standards-aligned rubrics, or attach their own standards to rubrics and questions, in order to track student and class progress by standard over time.

Teacher View

Teachers can create custom groups of students in order to assign targeted texts and assignments, and easily track literacy progress for a specific sub-section of their class.


LightSail has expanded upon our previous eReader tools by allowing teachers to share annotations/thoughts directly with individual students and groups to further customize learning. Teachers can also color-code annotations based on literacy skills, and teach coding strategies within the eReader. Teachers can also customize instruction for multiple learning styles by embedding media or hiding text within the eReader.

Annotations/Thoughts and Coding Strategies

Teachers can model coding strategies for students, and monitor students’ coding strategies in texts. Teachers can also share thoughts with individual students or groups of students by highlighting text in the reader, and viewing and responding to students’ thoughts.

Embed Media

Teachers can add links or media to supplement both texts and assignments in order to support multiple learning styles, and deepen a student’s understanding of the text.

Hide Text

Teachers can hide text in order to control the content students see, or teach different literacy skills such as prediction by hiding upcoming text.