Writing Module


The word "essay" makes many students grumble because they don't know where or how to start.  They bring experiences indicating that essays are time consuming, rigorous, and energy intensive.  Unfortunately, these reasons stop many students before they ever get started writing.

LightSail's Essay module promotes recursive writing as a Best Practice. It provides students the support and confidence to plan, draft, reflect on feedback, and revise/edit with the support of their teacher. These feedback cycles grow strong writers and a classroom culture of academic success.

LightSail's Essay module also supports a teacher's design of student friendly pre-planning and draft templates that provide tips and structure to grow an essay through multiple feedback cycles.   Teachers can use a template or custom rubric to provide targeted and specific feedback to each writer based on their response.

Help your students transition post-secondary by exposing them to advanced writing skills such as MLA/APA citations and paraphrasing and learning through focused feedback.