Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder can present in multiple different ways. There are three different types of ADHD and a child’s diagnosis depends on what symptoms present the strongest in an individual. Each type of ADHD can present different difficulties for an individual and the people closest to them. When a child is diagnosed with ADHD it will be important to understand the predominant type and the different challenges that should be addressed.
1. Predominantly Inattentive
Children with predominantly inattentive types of ADHD will find it difficult to follow directions and pay attention to detail. They might struggle to keep their belongings organized or keep track of their assignments and daily tasks. To support these children with their learning, it is important to eliminate distractions within their environment. Parents can simplify the presentation by eliminating any “extras” other than the learning target. Utilizing technology that assists the child by blocking out screen distractions could also help the student maintain attention. Lightsail’s Personalized Reader can allow students and parents to choose from different settings and options that can change how text is displayed to the learner.
2. Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulse
Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive presentation symptoms of ADHD will be easier to spot in children. These children will be fidgeting or moving around more than their peers. It seems as if these children are struggling with sitting still for long periods of time. Supporting these children with their learning will take patience and understanding. Providing movement breaks and times for them to release their energy will help them focus when needed. Lightsail’s gamification software allows children to participate in activities while reading their chosen book. It can provide a reward system that allows them to participate in an activity of their choice. Working toward achieving a goal can assist children in maintaining their attention on learning for a certain period of time.
3. Combined Presentation
When symptoms of both types of ADHD are demonstrated by the child equally, they are considered to have a combined presentation of ADHD. While in the classroom, these students will struggle to keep still while being easily distracted by their environment. A combination of support in the classroom can help these students manage their symptoms. Parents of children with ADHD should work with their teachers and use a “check-in” system if their ADHD symptoms are impeding their abilities to academically succeed.
Posted on 8.Aug.21 in ADHD