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We guarantee that if your child reads on LightSail for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, for 90 days and their Lexile® level does not improve, we will give you 100% of your money back.
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Find answers to frequently asked questions or contact us for more support.
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How many parent accounts are included with a childs license?
I am part of a homeschool group and we share teaching responsibilities. How can I access those accounts?
Is your platform only Faith-Based?
If I want to purchase a book with your E-Commerce store, do I have to buy a copy for each license I purchased?
How does LightSail’s childsafe protection work?
At LightSail, a parent’s ability to oversee their child’s online experience and align it with their faith and values is of the utmost importance. To this end, LightSail contains an entire suite of parental control features and never-before-seen ChildSafe Content Controls giving parents ultimate peace of mind.
These content controls contain dozens of nuanced subcategories for potentially objectionable material based on both maturity and religious factors. Then, it shows parents if a book contains a reference to any of those subcategories and allows them to block or allow single titles or entire subcategories for each child individually. Our ChildSafe Content Controls offer unprecedented insight into and control over the content your children consume without the need to read every book in advance.
- Block or allow individual pieces of content.
- Block or allow entire subcategories of content.
- Require a child to request parental approval before opening entire subcategories of content.
- Block, allow, or require requesting parental approval for all Classics library content.
- Block or require requesting parental approval for all unrated content.
Click here to learn more about all of our parental controls.