Vocabulary Assignment

LightSail provides students with books that are at their "Just Right" level. These texts are also embedded with Cloze assessments geared toward helping grow comprehension and word knowledge. These assessment questions are also used to calculate Lexile™ growth. Additionally, LightSail provides a Spelling Bee at the completion of the book.

If a student incorrectly answers a Cloze assessment or Spelling Bee, they have the option to retake it using the Word Work tool. A teacher can also create additional assessments using vocabulary words that their class or individual students are struggling with.

A teacher can choose from a set of questions provided by the platform or create their own questions. They can also use words that were incorrectly answered by their students, words matching a selected Lexile™ level, or they can even add their own words.

Questions could ask students to provide a definition using context clues, or use the word in a sentence, and many more.

These assessments provide teachers with valuable insight on their students' vocabulary. A teacher can use this to build a vocabulary unit and ensure their students are successful.