A Little Class on Murder

Authors: Hart, Carolyn
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC030000, FIC022040, FIC022100
ISBN: 9780307574855, Related ISBNs: 0307574857, 0385264526, 0449807134, 0449807142, 0553282085
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 272,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: When mystery bookstore owner Annie Laurance is invited to teach "The Three Great Ladies of the Mystery" class at Chastain Community College, the sometime sleuth discovers that all is not strictly academic in Chastain's hallowed halls of learning. And when a shocking scandal in the school newspaper erupts in a suicide and two violent deaths, Professor Laurance enlists the talents of her new hubby, private eye Max Darling, and dons her thinking cap to probe intrigue and vengeance among Chastain's faculty.

A Dangerous Thing

Max and Annie, with dubious help from three of their own great ladies of the mystery -- Annie's pixilated mother-in-law, a batty local dowager, and a Christie crime fanatic -- learn that just about everyone at the school had means, motive, and access to the murder weapons. From the secretly boozing professor of advertising to the muscle-bound campus cad who barters passing grades for a little extracurricular activity, anyone on the faculty is a possible killer -- waiting to strike again!
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