A Loyal Character Dancer

Authors: Xiaolong, Qiu
Publisher: Soho Press
BISAC/Subject: FIC022020, FIC037000, FIC022080
ISBN: 9781569477946, Related ISBNs: 1569473013, 1569473412, 1569477949, 9781569473016, 9781569473412
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 360,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: The second book in the Inspector Chen investigations

Inspector Chen’s mentor in the Shanghai Police Bureau has assigned him to escort US Marshal Catherine Rohn. Her mission is to bring Wen, the wife of a witness in an important criminal trial, to the United States. Inspector Rohn is already en route when Chen learns that Wen has unaccountably vanished from her village in Fujian. Or is this just what he is supposed to believe? Chen resents his role; he would rather investigate the triad killing in Shanghai’s beautiful Bund Park. Li insists that saving face with Inspector Rohn takes priority. So Chen Cao, the ambitious son of a father who imbued him with Confucian precepts, must tread warily as he tries once again to be a good cop, a good man and also a loyal Party member.
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