A Shroud of Leaves

Authors: Alexander, Rebecca
Publisher: Titan
BISAC/Subject: FIC022060, FIC030000, FIC022040, FIC050000, FIC031000, FIC022000
ISBN: 9781785656255, Related ISBNs: 1785656244, 1785656252, 1785656260, 9781785656248, 9781785656255
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 464,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: "Finely observed beautifully written" Daily Mail on The Secrets of Life and Death

"The victim had been buried in a carved hollow in the grass and shrouded in fallen leaves..."

Archaeologist Sage Westfield has her first forensics case: investigating the murder of a teenage girl. Hidden by holly leaves, the girl's body has been discovered on the grounds of a stately home, where another teenage girl went missing twenty years ago - but her body was never found. The police suspect the reclusive owner, Alistair Chorleigh, who was questioned but never charged. But when Sage investigates a nearby burial mound - and uncovers rumours of an ancient curse - she discovers the story of another mysterious disappearance over a hundred years ago. Sage will need both her modern forensics skills and her archaeological knowledge to unearth the devastating truth.
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