A Treason of Thorns

Authors: Weymouth, Laura E.
Publisher: HarperTeen
BISAC/Subject: YAF052000, YAF024050, YAF019020
ISBN: 9780062696922, Related ISBNs: 0062696920, 9780062696915, 9780062696922
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 368,
Audience: Young adult

Dark, gripping, and utterly unique, this atmospheric historical fantasy from critically acclaimed author Laura E. Weymouth is perfect for fans of The Hazel Wood and Caraval.

Violet Sterling has spent the last seven years in exile, longing to return to Burleigh House. One of the six great houses of England, Burleigh’s magic kept both the countryside and Violet happy.

That is, until her father’s treason destroyed everything.

Now she’s been given a chance to return home. But Burleigh isn’t what she remembered. Wild with grief, Burleigh’s very soul is crying out in pain. As its tormented magic ravages the countryside, Vi must decide how far she’s willing to go to save her house—before her house destroys everything she’s ever known.

A house left unchecked will lead to ruin.

But I will not let it ruin me.

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