Baking with Splenda

Authors: Lund, JoAnna M. & Alpert, Barbara
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: HEA017000, CKB004000, CKB014000
ISBN: 9781440627682, Related ISBNs: 0399532455, 1440627681, 9780399532450, 9781440627682
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 336,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Take the "Sin" out of Cinnamon Rolls!

From fresh-baked bread and biscuits hot from the oven, finger-licking pies and decadently sweet cobblers to heavenly coffeecakes, sinful cheesecakes, and gooey chocolate chip cookies, JoAnna Lund has accomplished the impossible using Splenda® No Calorie Sweetener. Whether it's her Peanut Butter Cup Cookies, Blueberry Crumble Pie or Cappuccino Cheesecake, JoAnna's more than 200 baked goods and desserts are as quick and easy to whip up as they are low in sugar, carbs, and fat.

This all-new collection also features:

  • Baking Plus! Recipes for sauces, glazes and toppings

  • Special section of recipes using Splenda® Sugar Blend for Baking

  • Cooking and baking secrets and tips to get the best results with the least calories and fat

  • Best bet recipes for your bread machine

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