Passion to Purpose: A Seven-Step Journey to Shed Self-Doubt, Find Inspiration, and Change Your Life (and the World) for the Better

Authors: McLaren, Amy
Publisher: Hay House
BISAC/Subject: SEL027000, SOC033000, BUS074030
ISBN: 9781401958954, Related ISBNs: 140195894X, 1401958958, 1401969178, 9781401958947, 9781401958954
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 256,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: A cross between The Promise of a Pencil and She Means Business, this book from the co-founder of a charity dedicated to bringing education to students in rural Kenya demonstrates how finding your purpose can change the world and change your life.


Imagine if everyone took a few minutes each day to make the world a better place using their unique talents fueled by their deepest passions. What an amazing world we would live in!

This book is your guide to discovering your passion, living your purpose, and making a positive impact on the world. Amy McLaren's passion for world travel and education kickstarted her journey from unfulfilled schoolteacher to the purpose-driven founder of Village Impact, a charity that provides education for nearly 5,000 kids in Kenya in partnership with local communities.

But this book isn't about doing exactly what Amy did or following a template to start a business or non-profit--it's about making your big dream into a reality. Learn how to:

   Feed your brain with possibility to discover your passion.
   Surround yourself with positivity and support.
   Tap into the strengths and connections you already have.
   Get out of your comfort zone and eliminate self-doubt for good.
   Trust in yourself and have faith that things will work out.
   Leave a legacy of good.
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