
Authors: Cassidy, Carla
Publisher: Silhouette
BISAC/Subject: FIC030000, FIC027020
ISBN: 9781426837418, Related ISBNs: 0373514123, 1426837410, 9780373514120, 9781426837418
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 304,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Lynn White's vow: I'll never be used again.

Her adoptive father had turned out to be a criminal — and left her holding the bag. The FBI had used her to catch him. Now Lynn White was nobody's pawn. She had a new life, close to Athena Academy and the secrets of her past. But when authorities blackmailed her to use her unique skills one last time, Lynn returned to the stealth game. Her assignment: stop terrorists from smuggling a bomb through Miami's Stingray Wharf.

The good news was her contact — undercover FBI agent Nick Barnes, the man Lynn had loved and lost. Nick risked his cover to protect her, and Lynn fell for him all over again — until his own explosive secret shattered her trust in ways more devastating than any bomb....
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