People Like Them: A Novel

Authors: Sedira, Samira
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC030000, FIC019000, FIC031100
ISBN: 9780525507871, Related ISBNs: 0143136275, 0525507876, 0593410831, 059341084X, 9780143136279
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 192,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: A prizewinning psychological suspense novel inspired by a true story about a couple in an insular French village whose lives are upended when a family of outsiders moves in.
“Icy and chilling . . . In sharply drawn sentences, Sedira summons the beauty of a small French village, and the shocking acts of the people inside it.” —Flynn Berry, Edgar Award-winning and bestselling author of Under the Harrow and Northern Spy
“Disturbing and powerful . . . I loved it.” —Leila Slimani, bestselling author of The Perfect Nanny

“Everything started one Saturday in July of 2015...”

Anna and Constant Guillot live with their two daughters in the peaceful, remote mountain village of Carmac, largely deaf to the upheavals of the outside world. Everyone in Carmac knows each other, and most of its residents look alike—until Bakary and Sylvia Langlois arrive with their three children.

Wealthy and flashy, the family of five are outsiders in the small town, their impressive chalet and three expensive cars a stark contrast to the modesty of those of their neighbors. Despite their differences, the Langlois and the Guillots form an uneasy, ambiguous friendship. But when both families begin experiencing financial troubles, the underlying class and racial tensions of their relationship come to a breaking point, and the unthinkable happens.

With piercing psychological insight and gripping storytelling, People Like Them asks: How could a seemingly "normal" person commit an atrocious crime? How could that person's loved ones ever come to terms with it afterward? And how well can you really know your own spouse?
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