The Skillful Forager: Essential Techniques for Responsible Foraging and Making the Most of Your Wild Edibles

Authors: Meredith, Leda
Publisher: Shambhala
BISAC/Subject: CKB085000, NAT026000, HOM022000, GAR022000
ISBN: 9780834842175, Related ISBNs: 0834842173, 1611804833, 9780834842175, 9781611804836
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 288,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: The ultimate forager’s guide to working with any wild plant in the field, kitchen, or pantry—featuring plant profiles, harvesting and preservation tips, and easy recipes

From harvesting skills that will allow you to gather from the same plant again and again to highlighting how to get the most out of each and every type of wild edible, trusted expert Leda Meredith explores the most effective ways to harvest, preserve, and prepare all of your foraged foods. Featuring detailed identification information for over forty wild edibles commonly found across North America, the plant profiles in this book focus on sustainable harvesting techniques that can be applied to hundreds of other plants. This indispensable reference also provides simple recipes that can help you make the most of your harvest each season.
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