War of the Cards

Authors: Oakes, Colleen
Publisher: HarperTeen
BISAC/Subject: YAF009000, YAF053000, YAF019020
ISBN: 9780062409812, Related ISBNs: 0062409816, 9780062409805, 9780062409812
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 368,
Audience: Young adult

Colleen Oakes’s twisted reimagining of the Queen of Hearts origin story comes to a thrilling conclusion in War of the Cards.

Dinah has lost everyone she ever loved. Her brother was brutally murdered. The wicked man she believed was her father betrayed her. Her loyal subjects have been devastated by war. And the boy she gave her heart to broke it completely.

Now a dark queen has risen out of the ashes of her former life. Fury is blooming inside Dinah, poisoning her soul and twisting her mind. All she has left is Wonderland and her crown, and her obsession to fight for both. But the war rages on and Dinah could inherit a blood-stained throne. Can a leader filled with love and rage ever be the ruler her kingdom needs? Or will her all-consuming wrath bring Wonderland to its knees?

This is not a story of happily ever after.

This is the story of the Queen of Hearts.

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