Category: ADHD
Managing Your Child’s ADHD at Home
Posted on 1.Oct.21 in ADHD

Children with ADHD have great strengths, but also challenges that can impact your family at home. That is because attention, and the executive functioning skills ADHD affects, are important for a lot of different daily tasks, from getting to school on time and completing chores, to managing relationships with siblings. The below suggestions are designed […]
ADHD Forgetfulness
Posted on 1.Oct.21 in ADHD

ADHD forgetfulness in kids is a common symptom that is associated with the disorder. It can present many difficult challenges for the individual, their parents and teachers. Forgetting to complete their daily tasks, chores and homework assignments can bring frustration and cause the student to struggle in school. Here are some tips to help a […]
Famous People with ADHD
Posted on 27.Sep.21 in ADHD

When an individual with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder learns to cope with their symptoms caused by their diagnosis, they can unlock unmatched potential that can allow them to achieve their goals. Throughout history, there have been many accomplished individuals that have displayed ADHD symptoms. Lightsail has an abundance of online books about famous individuals. Children with […]
Identifying and Managing ADHD in Teen Girls
Posted on 27.Sep.21 in ADHD

ADHD is slightly less common in girls than boys, 12.9% of boys are diagnosed with ADHD compared to 5.6% of girls.1 However, part of this discrepancy may be that girls are often mis-diagnosed or diagnosed later than boys.2 Part of the reason is gender bias, ADHD is more associated with boys than girls. Also, symptoms […]
Signs of ADHD in Teens
Posted on 27.Sep.21 in ADHD

Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, is a lifelong condition that children will be continuously learning to cope with throughout their adolescent and adult life. Although the average diagnosis for an ADHD diagnosis is age 7, there are signs that ADHD exists in teens when a teen does not have a formal ADHD diagnosis. Noticing signs and […]
ADHD and Motivation
Posted on 7.Sep.21 in ADHD

A common concern that a parent might have for their child with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder is that they display a lack of motivation. Asking a child with ADHD to perform a simple and mundane task can turn into a major obstacle in many households. A lack of motivation in children with ADHD is not because […]
ADHD Strategies
Posted on 7.Sep.21 in ADHD

Having a child that is diagnosed or displaying symptoms of Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can bring an uneasy and overwhelming feeling to parents. Many parents do not know where to begin when thinking about how they are going to help their child cope with their ADHD symptoms. In the beginning, it may seem that nothing […]
How Does ADHD Affect a Child’s Reading Ability?
Posted on 6.Sep.21 in ADHD

For a child with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder reading can be a struggle and at times may seem impossible. Lack of ability to maintain focus and attention is a symptom associated with ADHD. Successful readers need to be able to attend to a task and focus. Children with ADHD often think of reading as an unbearable […]
ADHD and Hyperfocus
Posted on 6.Sep.21 in ADHD

The most talked about symptom that comes alongside Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, is their inability to focus and sustain attention for long periods of time. On the flipside, individuals have been noted to have the ability to become hyper-focused on certain tasks and activities. Hyperfocus happens when an individual fixates on certain tasks or activities […]
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At LightSail, a parent’s ability to oversee their child’s online experience and align it with their faith and values is of the utmost importance. To this end, LightSail contains an entire suite of parental control features and never-before-seen ChildSafe Content Controls giving parents ultimate peace of mind.
These content controls contain dozens of nuanced subcategories for potentially objectionable material based on both maturity and religious factors. Then, it shows parents if a book contains a reference to any of those subcategories and allows them to block or allow single titles or entire subcategories for each child individually. Our ChildSafe Content Controls offer unprecedented insight into and control over the content your children consume without the need to read every book in advance.
- Block or allow individual pieces of content.
- Block or allow entire subcategories of content.
- Require a child to request parental approval before opening entire subcategories of content.
- Block, allow, or require requesting parental approval for all Classics library content.
- Block or require requesting parental approval for all unrated content.
Click here to learn more about all of our parental controls.