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Building a homeschool science curriculum around engaging books

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Do your homeschoolers list science as a favorite school subject? If not, it’s time to turn that around! Kid-friendly books that focus on the wonders of science may be all that it takes to transform your homeschoolers into up-and-coming scientists. Here’s how to build a homeschool science curriculum around engaging books.

1. Explore Science Topics

Pick any branch of science, and you’ll find books to match. Some texts are filled with experiment ideas. Others give kids up-close views of amazing phenomena or explain how systems work. Books also offer treasure troves of information about impressive scientific discoveries. You can combine several book styles to give kids a well-rounded overview of topics like outer space, volcanic explosions or desert animals. Check out Learning About Weather as an example of a title that mixes both factual text and hands-on activities in one book.

Learning About Weather book

2. Get to Know Science Jobs

Children who set their sights on scientific careers may be more driven to succeed in their school studies. Reading books about jobs in the sciences could provide the inspiration that they need. Consider a homeschool unit about different science-related professions. One of the job ideas might click with your kids. Mystery-loving students may want to start with Discover Forensic Science.

Discover Forensic Science books

3. Supplement Traditional Science Curriculum

Instead of starting from scratch, you could purchase a science curriculum. Even still, books might play a major role in your kids’ science studies. Your homeschool science curriculum online may recommend top titles to pair with your students’ lessons. For example, Elemental Science suggests that elementary students completing their Earth Science and Astronomy for the Grammar Stage write reports based on the chapter book Who Was Neil Armstrong?

Who Was Neil Armstrong book

Are you ready to inspire a love of science in your kids? A homeschool science curriculum that’s based around books could be the key to cultivating their scientific passions. Explore LightSail’s library to find the right titles for your scientists-to-be.

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Posted on 6.Jun.21 in Book Recommendations



B.S. in Pharmacy RPh - A 17-year homeschool veteran, Kristen has enjoyed teaching her four children in classical and eclectic styles. Kristen loves reading, writing, and volunteering as a reading tutor.
Favorite part of LightSail: Authentic Writing, Fluency
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