Chapter books hold entire worlds within their covers. Homeschool students who cozy up with chapter books meet fascinating characters and explore amazing stories.
Check out these five fun ways to give chapter books for kids a starring role in your homeschool.
1. Transition young readers.
Emerging readers cut their teeth on picture books, but many are ready to dig into chapter books after a year or two of elementary school. To ease your youngsters into the idea, start with a title like Tanya Takes the School Bus by Martha E.H. Rustad. Each chapter is only a few pages long and features kid-friendly illustrations.
2. Hook kids on reading.
Sometimes, all it takes to turn a reluctant reader into a voracious bookworm is a new favorite character in a chapter book series. In books like Campfire Mallory, young readers can get to know Laurie Friedman’s Mallory McDonald character. Your kids will keep turning pages to see what their new friends are up to in these chapter books for girls and boys.
3. Develop a family bond.
Young readers can tackle big books when Mom or Dad are doing the reading. Chapter books make great read-alouds for students of any age.
Children’s chapter books can bring your family closer together as you dive into the stories night after night. Try a perennial favorite like J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan for your next read-aloud.
4. Introduce kids to classic stories.
Some of our culture’s best-loved characters come from chapter books. Many young readers do best with abridged varieties. Others may be ready to dive into classic chapter books for children, such as Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind in the Willows.
5. Make school subjects come alive.
Textbooks give kids the facts about historical events and scientific discoveries, but chapter books retell those stories in ways that hook kids. As young readers dive into such books, they meet important characters and learn about significant topics. Your kids may be captivated by Fire in the Sky, Candice Ransom’s retelling of the Hindenburg disaster.
Chapter books for boys and girls should have a prime spot in every family’s library. LightSail’s collection of chapter books will expand both your homeschool bookshelves and your children’s reading minutes!

Posted on 6.Jun.21 in Book Recommendations