By fourth grade, your student may have become quite the reader. At this age, homeschoolers often gain new independence and develop the ability to tackle challenging assignments or involved projects. As you embark on this exciting school year, check out these four books to complement your 4th grade homeschool curriculum.
1. Chapter Book: Henry and Ribsy
Fourth graders may be ready to handle longer chapter books. Beverly Cleary books are popular for this age group. Henry and Ribsy, for example, has a Lexile measure of 740L. The average fourth grader’s Lexile level ranges from 740L to 940L, so this novel is spot-on. If yours isn’t quite up for reading this book independently yet, it will make a great read-aloud for parents and children to share together.
2. Reading to Learn: This Country of Ours
During third and fourth grade, kids move into a phase that educators refer to as “reading to learn.” Because these children have mastered the basics of reading, they’re able to focus more of their attention on gaining information from what they read. It’s a great age for students to dive into nonfiction science or history accounts. Your 4th grade homeschool curriculum book list could include This Country of Ours, a classic by H.E. Marshall.
3. State Exploration: What’s Great About Massachusetts?
Fourth graders in public schools often complete a report about the state in which they live. You may want to incorporate that tradition into your fourth-grade homeschool lessons. For help, check out What’s Great About Massachusetts? and the other titles in the Our Great States series. There are even versions for Puerto Rico and Washington, DC.
4. Math Support: Fractions
By fourth grade, your student may start moving beyond the basics of addition and multiplication toward more complicated topics. Math lessons in fourth grade may include long division, geometry, decimals, and fractions. If your student could use some extra help with these concepts, turn to Fractions and the other graphic novels in World Book’s Building Blocks of Mathematics series.
LightSail for Homeschool can be your educational partner through fourth grade and beyond. Whether you’re looking for engaging chapter books, captivating nonfiction titles, or educational curriculum supplements, LightSail is ready to help.

Posted on 11.Nov.21 in Book Recommendations