We are blessed to live in a day where there are many options for homeschooling families. Whether you are a secular homeschooler, a traditional Christian homeschooler, or are of another faith, finding a language arts curriculum that fits your family’s needs is not too complicated. However, when you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it can sometimes seem difficult to find a curriculum that fits.
If you are in the market for a language arts program for Latter Day Saints and don’t know where to start, you’re in luck because today we’re going to take a look at some of the most important things to consider when searching for a new language arts program.
1. What to Look For in a Latter-day Saints Language Arts Solution
No matter your faith, it is important to find resources that complement your family’s beliefs. So what should members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints look for in a good language arts program?
- Mention of the God of Abraham as opposed to a different God
- Inclusion of Latter-day Saint scriptures (King James version of the Bible, The Book of Mormon, etc.)
- Books that teach kids to make good and moral choices
- Complementary lesson plans and discussion topics that focus on key beliefs
- Exclusion of negative commentary regarding any religion
- Access to books and lessons that pull in other faith-based topics and ideas
This is, of course, in addition to other basic aspects of a good language arts program that families of every faith should look for. For example, access to classic literature, modern books, reading comprehension quizzes and support, spelling support, writing lessons, guided lesson plans, and more are also good aspects of a quality language arts program.
2. Why LightSail is Perfect for Latter-day Saint Homeschoolers
LightSail is the perfect language arts program for kids of the Latter-day Saint community. Their unique program allows you to turn access to various religious resources on and off with the click of a button. This way, you can keep younger, more sensitive kids from being exposed to other religions, but, as they age, you can begin to allow access and more mature discussions.
LightSail also allows parents to block certain resources that they feel their individual children are not ready for, thanks to a customizable parental controls setting. Block or allow political topics, violence, weapons, topics of sexuality, LGBT topics, and more! LightSail makes it easy to control what each of your unique children are exposed to.
And of course who could forget the huge collection of religious resources that are specific to children of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Latter-day Saint homeschoolers will love being able to include scriptures, messages from modern day prophets, and even Latter-day Saint unit studies in their homeschool curriculums. Give LightSail a try today and see how inclusive this amazing program can be!

Posted on 10.Oct.21 in Faith-based