Music is a unique way to bring a spirit of peace and calm into your homeschool. Including hymn study in your day can create beautiful bonding moments of faith. Since most children love music, this is one they will be eager to participate in.
There’s nothing quite like watching your child’s eyes light up when they realize they know the hymn they are singing in church because they learned it at home. Suddenly worship becomes a little more personal to them.
Easy Ideas for Studying Hymns in Your Homeschool
- Start with a hymn already familiar to your child. Pick a hymn your child hears often at church. This will provide an incentive to learn it and a reward when they can sing along.
- Make it a game! Find fun ways to learn the words. Sing it fast, sing it slow. Replace some words with claps or humming. Come up with silly lines and ask your child to pick the right line that comes next. Use your imagination!
- Use pictures. Find or create pictures that depict what is happening in the lyrics as a visual reminder to the children.
- Learn about the hymn’s history. Research who wrote the lyrics and music. Are they the same person? Learn about what was happening when the hymn was written. Was there a specific moment in church history or the life of the composer that influenced it?
- Play it often. Play the hymn throughout your week, even when you are not actively studying it. Giving children the opportunity to hear it more often will also help them to learn it.
Use LightSail to Aid Your Homeschool Hymn Study
You can utilize LightSail’s unit study on Hymns, World Book articles and biographies, and audiobooks containing hymns to enrich your home hymn study.
Children can also use their personal journal on LightSail to record their thoughts and feelings about the hymn being studied.
Hymn study is a beautiful way to inspire children for good. Let LightSail help aid your efforts.

Posted on 12.Dec.21 in Faith-based